Inside the park you cannot miss a well-stocked and equipped refreshment kiosk, where you can enjoy delicious sandwiches, pizzas or choose our menu.

Inside the park it is possible

Take advantage of the area equipped with barbecue and stone tables for picnics and grills.

Eat in the shade of the gazebo in the CHIOSCORISTORO area, where you can enjoy delicious sandwiches with sausage, hamburgers, wurstel, chicken, grilled vegetables, chips and excellent mixed grilled meats with appetizers prepared with typical local products at km 0 (olives, cured meats, cheeses, croutons seasoned with Buccheri good oil)

Every Sunday PIZZAS long leavening too GLUTEN FREE

The services you find

  • Mini coffee bar , pizzas , sandwiches , grilling mixed and tasting of typical local products
  • Possibility to pay with ATM And CREDIT CARDS
  • The area is equipped with Toilet
  • Free parking unattended 50 meters from the park entrance
  • PET Friendly – 4-legged friends are welcome!

To customers who would like to consume our MENU, we strongly recommend that you request a reservation using the form below, to ensure the availability of your table.

Book your seat

indicating your preferences in the message: eg. n.2 Adult menu and n. 3 children

NB for children you can choose on site between sandwiches or meat and chips or pizzas (pizza only on Sundays)

    * In case of cancellation, call n. +39 333 9218145 up to 1 day before the booking date